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Loan Modification Closing / Loan Mock Signing Great For New Notary Public Loan Signing Agents LSA

ONLY TO BE USED AS A MOCK SIGNING. Please get yourself a well known and useful LSA course. I used Notary2Notary Signing Agent Part 2. Link Is below and It Is not affiliated. This is part of my first loan closing appointment as a Notary Public Loan Signing Agent in Los Angeles, California. This is a simple Loan Modification closing so it’s a very small packet. I have 6 signature spots for the clients and 2 for me to notarize. This is solely my experience and I am documenting my journey in hopes of encouraging others to pursue their business journeys as well! πŸ˜‡ Links to Resources & Supplies If you want to create your own course use my link CANVA - I use this app for all my marketing content My California Notary Public Notes For State Exam (eBook) PDF Page Sorter - this helps sort through a loan package with mixed page sizes (legal and letter) YOU DO NOT NEED A DUAL TRAY PRINTER for loan signings Email: Business Website: Personal Instagram: TEXAS Notary Public Business Texas Secretary of State Website Texas Notary Public Forms - I used the FORM 2301 Texas Notary Handbook - free Texas Notarial Certificates - I made my own, you can use them as well Online Notary Public Info RON Platform I use Electronic Seal - I was able to get a free e-seal with Notarize after sign up Errors & Omissions Professional Liability (Business) Insurance - I use Biberk πŸ”Ή EZ NOTARY Supplies (Stamps & Journal) πŸ”Ή California Secretary of State website πŸ”Ή Errors & Omissions Business Insurance - I use Biberk Free Business Phone Number - GOOGLE VOICE Mom Stuff LOVEVERY Kids Play Sets Patchology source

33 thoughts on “Loan Modification Closing / Loan Mock Signing Great For New Notary Public Loan Signing Agents LSA

  1. My modification was approved two months ago doing the process and they still asked me to resubmit another paperwork that they didn't receive and when I sent it they close the modification account because they didn't get the paperwork in time but still no communication meanwhile I still made to on-time payments on the new modification so now I'm on the wait game does anyone else know what to expect in this situation

  2. Love how you share real, raw look into your whole entire process of learning & doing, details and all πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ much needed for newbies!! Also do you know if its standard procedue for lenders to send you instructions or just some do that? Those instructions look like they take some pressure off

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